If you are in need of any support relating to finances or the practical tasks of daily life, have a look below at some of the ways in which you might find help:
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund - a charity for doctors and their families providing support ranging from financial assistance to a telephone befriending scheme for those having to self isolate
The Cameron Fund - the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports GPs and their dependents
Self-Employment Income Support - the Government's support scheme for the self-employed who have been adversely affected by COVID-19, now extended for 1st November onwards - click HERE.
Bounce Back Loan Scheme - for those that operate through a small business and whose ability to conduct their business has been affected by COVID-19
Help Them Help Us - a charity offering to help with childcare, transport, food, support grants, wellbeing and psychological services for healthcare staff
Help Me, I'm a Doctor - is a portal developed by a group of five medical charities working with NHS England
NHS People Plan - published on 30 July, this plan aims to put NHS staff wellbeing at its heart with a new recruitment, retention, and support package. It sets out practical support for wellbeing such as safe spaces to rest and recuperate, wellbeing guardians, and support to keep staff physically safe and healthy