About Us
The Wessex Appraisal Service Ltd is extremely proud of the fantastic national and international reputation it earned for itself under the name Health Education England Wessex Appraisal Service, and is determined to continue to build on this by providing a comprehensive first-class 'gold standard' appraisal service. Wessex appraisers currently provide medical appraisals for revalidation to primary and secondary care clinicians in England, the Channel Islands, and Gibraltar. However, with the introduction of remote appraisal by videocall platforms such as MS Teams and Zoom, no appraisee is too far away!
Our appraisers are highly trained and developed so that they can offer the very best support to the doctors they meet.
Training is one of the greatest strengths of the Service. We can provide the full range of training for appraisers, from competency-based New Appraiser Training (NAT), to individual bespoke sessions to address a particular educational need.
All of our appraisers are assessed regularly by way of Current Appraiser Skills Assessment (CASA) and are required to pass this in order to continue to appraise for us.
We collaborate widely with colleagues in a continued quest to innovate and improve.